$140 Million Unclaimed In Toll Rebates For Eligible NSW Drivers

$140 Million Unclaimed In Toll Rebates For Eligible NSW Drivers
Image: Image: Wikimedia Commons

Drivers in NSW are being urged to check their eligibility for toll rebates, with the government revealing $140 million is yet to be claimed.

The latest toll relief update found that drivers who spend more than $60 a week on Sydney tolls in the last year could qualify for an average rebate of $277.

Since the $60 weekly toll cap was introduced on New Year’s Day 2024, about $75 million has been returned to drivers. Motorists can claim up to $340 a week back, with $140 million yet to be claimed.

NSW Roads minister John Graham said that people could check their eligibility on the Service NSW website.

“The $60 toll cap is a critical cost-of-living support for hundreds of thousands of drivers, many of whom really have no viable alternative than to use Sydney’s toll road network to get to work or get the kids where they need to be,” he said.

“When we designed the toll relief scheme we did so with those suburbs in mind, where paying a toll is the price to get around and where in many cases public transport service is nowhere near the level of service enjoyed by other parts of Sydney.

“We know people are doing it tough and the toll cap is making it just that little bit fairer for drivers that heavily rely on the toll roads.”

NRMA spokesperson Peter Khoury said that the unclaimed money belongs to the public, and that it could help NSW residents boost their weekly budget in the current cost of living crisis.

“The average family spends about 20 per cent getting around on transport costs,” he said.

“Not everyone will be eligible as not everyone will spend $60 on tolls but for those who do it helps.

“Across the board, the cost of running a vehicle is major.”

NSW Customer Service minister Jihad Dib said Western Sydney motorists continue to benefit from the rebate program.

“The quarterly data keeps telling us that it is the people whose journeys start and end in Western Sydney who are claiming the lion’s share of toll relief, and this is where it is needed most,” he said.

“Drivers from The Central Coast, Blue Mountains, and Wollongong are also benefiting in great numbers, showing just how far and wide the benefits are flowing.”

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