

The Hispanic Artistic Expression (HAE), which aims to promote the Hispanic-American culture throughout Australia, is bringing Juan Carlos Rubio’s hilarious play to Rozelle. It is about a space where themes of “friendship, loneliness, death, and love are found wrapped in humour,” says executive producer/lead actor Angela Rosero.

Performed in Spanish with English surtitles, it tells the story of Sara (played by Rosero), a 35-year-old business woman who finds a perfect apartment for herself except for the fact its current 73-year-old owner wants to live there until her death. The interesting part is, she refuses to die. And as Rosero further explains, “that’s what makes it funny, especially when these two different characters interchange situations and explore concepts in humanity like infidelity, solitude, and the simple fact that you have life but you still do not appreciate what you have got.”

The play first premiered in Miami in 2009 and has since enthralled audiences worldwide. As Rosero perfectly summarises, it intends to make the audience “laugh and cry” by taking them through a “cycle of emotions”. Absolutely promising!

Written by Joseph Rana

Aug 10-Sep 2, La Sala, 134a Victoria Road, Rozelle, $26-30, 8094 8310, hispanicartistic.org


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