Sydney Theatre Company’s production of Zebra! is about greed, middle age, and being human. Set in a small New York Irish bar struggling to stay afloat, it provides a snap shot of life in America after the global financial crisis.

New Jersey millionaire, Larry (Colin Friels) comes into a closed bar to meet his future son-in-law, he’s got money and he’s not afraid to throw it around. The down-trodden bar owner (Nadine Garner), allows him to stay because Larry buys-up the sports memorabilia from her failing business.  When laconic middle-aged business man, Jimmy (Brian Brown), enter the scene, no-one wants him to stay, but Jimmy is there to sell-himself to Larry.

It is the performances of these three actors that really carry this play. Colin Friels and Nadine Garner pull off the US accent with subtlety and Brian Brown is well-cast in his Aussie bloke role. Even when the script gets a bit repetitive, and the dialogue is particularly obvious, the mesmerising acting and the tight production, keeps you entertained. This is Australian performance at its best.

Until Apr 30, Wharf 1, Sydney Theatre, Hickson Rd, Walsh Bay, $30-77, 9250 1778, sydneytheatre.com.au

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