Winter Warning To Pet Owners

Winter Warning To Pet Owners

While we’ve all been confined to our own homes it can be easy to overlook some of the simplest health management measure. These measures are not just confined to us but also relate to our furry friends, in particular paralysis ticks and flea prevention for cats and dogs.

Leading veterinarians are urging Australian pet owners to use preventatives against fleas for their pets to avoid a household outbreak, particularly when we are restricted to our homes more so than ever. Experts warn that flea reproduction is just as prevalent in the cooler months, with pets spending more time inside in heated close quarters.

As Dr Angela Nehring of Bondi Veterinary Hospital explained, ““Seeing one flea is just the tip of the iceberg. Home infestation can happen extremely quickly and I have had many patients who have ignored the first signs of fleas with disastrous results for them, their pets and their home.”

With the majority of Australians working home, Dr Angela Nehring is encouraging pet owners to keep a close eye on changes in their pet’s behaviour that would indicate fleas as well as regular checks. 

However, the best course of action is to prevent outbreaks by using innovative, long-lasting preventative treatments. One such treatment is Bravecto, which offers 6 months protection for dogs and is actually the longest-lasting flea treatment for cats available in Australia, protecting them for up to three months.

 If you have ever had an experience with fleas before, you’ll never want it again.

Purchase Bravecto products at

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