Why volunteering can be great for your career

Why volunteering can be great for your career
Image: Photo: Unsplash.

Have you ever thought about giving back to your community by volunteering? Volunteering can be a great way to help others and give to people in need. It can also be an excellent addition to your resume and help you to kickstart your career. Here are some ways that volunteering can be beneficial for your work life:

Showing your interests

Volunteering is a great way to explore things that matter to you. Finding an organisation that deals with an issue you care about can help you find things that you value, and bring them out in your personal profile. Employers can see what you care about and learn more about you as a person. For example, if you want to go into teaching, volunteering for literacy charities shows you are passionate about teaching children and helping your community through education.

Skill development

Volunteering can help you to develop skills that you might need throughout your career, such as time management, communication, and organisational skills. If you are trying to build up a repertoire of careers skills, doing unpaid work is a fantastic way to gain knowledge of how organisations work, and apply this knowledge to your future job.

Giving Back

If you have some volunteer experience on your resume, employers can see that you want to have a positive impact on the world. They can see that you are engaged in your community and have a spirit of giving that would be valuable in any workplace.

Try looking on volunteering websites such as Volunteering Australia and start giving back!

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