Riding for Clover

Riding for Clover

Over 550 cyclists turned out in support of Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP on Sunday.

‘Rolling With Clover’ saw cyclists ride from Town Hall Square to Tumbalong Park in celebration of the Lord Mayor’s cycleways and in support of her dual roles.

Organiser Jane Salmon said: “Cycleways are seriously fun, seriously healthy and, most importantly, seriously safe.”

“We have these cycleways because we have a Mayor with vision who is also an organic part of this community.

She’s been a parent, resident, teacher and councillor and then an elected parliamentarian for this area. She knows it well.”

“Then she’s gone overseas and studied the global picture, the infrastructure that works best internationally.

It’s a pretty amazing vision that she’s provided.”

Ms Salmon has been cycling in the inner city for 30 years.

“People who roll with Clover care about living in a progressive and sustainable city, they care about keeping Sydney moving,” she said.

“Global, progressive cities like New York, Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Paris are investing heavily in active transport.

Sydney is incredibly behind and deserves to be at the forefront.”

The event, created by a selffunded community group, was publicised via Facebook.

Organiser Simeon King said: “One of the remarkable things about the ride is the amount of community awareness raised via social media, not conventional media.”

“Rolling with Clover is the people’s way of saying thank you.”

BIKESydney President, David Borella, was also there.

“It was an amazing display of support for cycling” he said, “It is indisputable that Sydney is embracing cycling and cycleways.”

The day offered prizes to the first child who reached Tumbalong Park and the most ‘business like’ cyclist.

Cyclist Jackie Lau said the event had a fantastic turnout.

“These sorts of days give a voice to the people who don’t get covered in the media.”

Ms Lau believes the media has fuelled an anti-cycling sentiment in recent times.

“It’s tough because in Australia there is a perception that cycling is more dangerous than it is,” she said.

“There has been a noticeable change in the general public’s attitude.”

“Debate is always good, and cyclists are always open to anything that makes cycling safer.”

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