Claudia O’Doherty is like the young, pretty, female David Attenborough of comedy. Her show Monster of the Deep 3D was about a deep-sea habitat populated by humans and dolphins. Her book 100 Facts about Pandas was excellent, and she is about to put out a sequel, 100 Facts about Sharks. And she’s worried about the writing of her latest show, What is Soil Erosion?, because she just got a kitten and it’s really distracting.  We divert her attention for long enough to find out more.

So … what is soil erosion?
The denudation and subsequent washing down of the soil cover.  What is Soil Erosion? is my new comedy show, it’s a live demonstration of the television show no one let me make.  It includes lasers, moon cycles and supportive sneakers.

You say all the emotions are covered in this show. What are they?
Amusement, shock, awe, concern, love, hate, fury, magic.

Why do you think this show got passed up for TV?
I guess the TV people are scared of fresh, confronting, brave, cutting-edge television.

You’ve co-written a book on pandas, done a show about deep sea creatures, and now soil … why your obsession with all things animal, vegetable and mineral?
Those are the things that interest me, and when you write a show or a book, you have to think about that thing for ages, so it better be something you like.  That said, I think soil erosion is really boring.  I don’t what my next show will be about, maybe City News can run a competition to choose a topic?  Actually don’t, that would be terrible.

You recently co-hosted Saturday morning at FBi Radio, what was that like?
It was great.  Also very terrifying at first, because I was worried I’d accidentally say something racist, even though I’m not racist. It was an honour to work with Nick [Coyle] and Charlie [Garber] again [of theatre group Pig Island] , they’re both way too handsome for radio.

And how about performing at New York’s Upright Citizen’s Brigade (where many Saturday Night Live comic geniuses were unearthed)?
That was super scary. I tried to get a grip and just think of it as a normal show, but when I arrived, the show on before mine had people from 30 Rock in it, so I got very nervous.  It went well though, and that was pretty exciting.

What’s next for you?
I’ll take this show to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and then for the rest of the year I’m going to be on stud patrol (patrolling for studs).

Mar 17-19, Goodgod Danceteria, 55 Liverpool St, Chinatown, $15, tickets at the box office from 5pm on the day, theimperialpanda.com

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