I walked into a shopping centre this morning to the distinctive sounds of The Triffid’s Wide Open Road. I doubted many of the shoppers could name the band playing the song, let alone the song’s writer. Yet I’m sure they knew (and loved) the tune. Wide Open Road (along with The Warumpi Band’s My Island Home) is the song that best encapsulates the experience of this country for a contemporary Australian. David McComb passed away ten years ago, yet his songs and words are as potent now as they were when he wrote them; indeed perhaps as a mark of McComb’s greatness they have grown in stature. The Triffids reunion (with guest vocalists) was a highlight of the Sydney Festival by far, and this album of live renditions of his songs by former band mates and friends is rough and ready to be sure. Yet the words remain vivid, and Mick Thomas’ dry humour in introducing his contribution would have delighted McComb. The live gig and album are dedicated to raising funds for a documentary on the life of David McComb, so the next time I hear Wide Open Road in a shopping centre I hope many more people will know the genius behind the song.


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