Urgent maintenance request for unsafe bridge in Tempe brought to council

Urgent maintenance request for unsafe bridge in Tempe brought to council
Image: Inner West Councillor Justine Langford has brought the issue of a dangerous bridge in Tempe to the council. Photo: Greens on Council.


Residents are calling for urgent upgrades to a dangerous bridge in Tempe. A local Tempe resident shared an image to Facebook showing a bleeding cut on her hand from a loose wire protruding out of rotting boards on the Bayview Avenue Bridge.

Inner West Councillor Justine Langford took notice of the issue and put it forward to the Inner West Council at a meeting last week.

“Many residents, especially those in Tempe, Marrickville and Earlwood, are affected by this dangerous pathway” Cr Langford said.

“People of all ages who walk, run or cycle, or have children in a pram, dog walkers, wheelchair users or those with visual impairments are impacted,” said Cr Langford.

The council noted on the meeting agenda that the bridge is unsafe for pedestrians and needs urgent maintenance repairs.

“The main safety concerns are that the pedestrian pathway over the bridge is too narrow. It is single lane and not wide enough for a double pram or wheelchair. Social distancing is impossible! The bridge needs urgent maintenance,” Cr Langford explained.

Cr Langford told to council that she campaigned for upgrades to the bridge during 2021 council elections, and that it is a well known issue in the community. Almost 2 years on, the bridge has continued to negatively impact transport for pedestrians.

“The bridge does not encourage active transport. It is slow to cross because it is so narrow. People have to make way for each other. There is no shared pathway for bikes and pedestrians,” said Cr Langford.

Councillor requests Transport for NSW takes action

Bayview Avenue Bridge in Tempe. Photo: Google maps.

Transport for NSW is responsible for repairs, so Langford requested that council write to the relevant Minister for Transport about the issue.

“Ideally, Transport for NSW needs to widen pedestrian access to encourage active transport. This could involve upgrading and widening the bridge, replacing it altogether or installing a separate bridge for pedestrians and cyclists, adjacent to the existing bridge,” she said.

“In the immediate term, Transport for NSW needs to ensure there is no rotten timber or wire protruding along the pedestrian access. The bridge must be safe for pedestrians and any hazards must be removed.”

City Hub reached out to Transport for NSW for comment, but did not receive a reply.

Issue referred to traffic committee

Mayor Darcy Byrne and Labor councillors voted down Cr Langford’s motion in the recent meeting. Instead, Cr Byrne put forward a foreshadowed motion that called to refer the issue to the Local Traffic and Committee for investigation, which was passed, receiving a yes vote from Langford.

However, Langford said she still held concerns about the foreshadowed motion.

“I am concerned that the Mayor is moving to prohibit me from achieving any results for the community on important issues of pedestrian safety,” said Langford.

“The Bayview Avenue bridge is a State Government asset. My motion asked for Council to contact the NSW Minister for Transport to conduct urgent maintenance to make the bridge safe and to request a new bridge.”

The next Inner West Local Traffic Committee Meeting will be held on Monday March 20.

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