University of the third age launches affordable courses in Sydney

University of the third age launches affordable courses in Sydney

U3A (University of the Third Age) is an international movement which has been operating in Australia since 1984. It provides learning and social opportunities for people in their ‘Third Age’, the post-retirement stage of life when they have time to widen their horizons

The newly formed all-volunteer City U3A is offering its first courses to City of Sydney residents beginning on 23 February. The $35 membership fee entitles members to attend any courses until 30 June 2010.

Supported by the City of Sydney Council and the Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts, first courses will be held at two inner city venues, the Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts at 280 Pitt Street and the Reg Murphy Activity Centre, 19 Greenknowe Avenue, Potts Point. Both are readily accessible by public transport.

First term courses include:

Darwinian Impacts ‘ Then and Now ‘ celebrating the bicentenary of the birth of Charles Darwin and the sesquicentenary of the publication of his ground-breaking The Origin of Species
Refreshing your Intuition by Understanding Viking Runes
Poets’ Shed ‘ to study and discuss all aspects of poetry writing
Introduction to Chinese Calligraphy
‘Wrap with Love’ knitting group
Literature Discussion Group
Four guided walks exploring the inner city

President of City U3A, Neil Macindoe, said that all courses in the first term would be held during the day. More would be offered in the second term beginning late April.

New members are invited to join City U3A before the deadline for first-term course
registration on 16 February.

Applications and first term course details are available from City U3A’s
website:; by emailing or by telephoning 9660 0208

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