The trade union movement is lobbying for increased weaponry for government officers in the potential creation of a quasi second-tier police force in NSW.

The Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) has called for capsicum spray and wouldn’t rule out Taser guns for transit officers. This follows the general secretary of the United Services Union, Ben Kruse, pushing for capsicum spray for parking officers to increase worker safety.

RTBU spokesperson Phillip Kessey said union members want tools to protect themselves in certain situations. “If that’s a Taser gun, that’s a Taser gun. And capsicum spray is less intrusive than a baton,” he said.

Currently transit officers, equipped with handcuffs and batons, can arrest those who don’t identify themselves, while some have ‘special constable’ powers – akin to a police officer – and can arrest on suspicion.

Giving transit officers more weapons would concern those who have complained to Railcorp about their excessive force: research undertaken by the NSW Ombudsman in 2005 showed two-thirds of complaints weren’t responded to. A spokesperson for the NSW Ombudsman said the office continues to receive complaints about the behaviour of transit officers.

A spokesperson for Railcorp, Paul Rea, said they had “received and considered representations covering the issues of transit officers’ power and equipment” but said there were “no plans to increase this equipment at present”. 

– By Matt Khoury

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