Unemployed miss out on Rudd’s financial lifeline

Unemployed miss out on Rudd’s financial lifeline

The Federal Government?s economic stimulus package ignores unemployed people, according to a peak welfare organisation.

The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) says it welcomes the $10.4 billion security package, but said it does not go far enough to protect those on unemployment benefits, who will be most affected in the event of an economic downturn.

ACOSS President Lin Hatfield-Dodds said she was ?disappointed? that people on the dole were not included as they are one of Australia?s most vulnerable groups.

?Australians on unemployment benefits have been left out and they are already experiencing severe hardship,? Ms Hatfield-Dodds said. ?A single person on unemployment benefits struggles to live on just $219 per week, which is $50 less than the single pension.?

Pensioners, low and middle-income families, and first-time home buyers look set to be the big winners of the package.

?Extending assistance to unemployed people would assist those in greatest need and boost the economy in the areas that would need it most,? Ms Hatfield-Dodds said.

The ACOSS also said other measures would be needed to aid long term unemployed people would be needed in the event of an economic downturn, such as paid work experience on projects that would benefit the community.


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