Two Days, One Night

Two Days, One Night

Two days, One night (Deux jours, une nuit) is an extremely simple but nonetheless emotive French drama. Beautifully crafted and subtly performed by all involved, with particular praise to Marion Cotillard who plays Sandra, a Belgian mother with a history of depression. Sandra is about to lose her job, and she is trying to keep herself together for her family and her sanity. If her co-workers choose their significant bonus over her keeping her position at work, she may fall back into bad habits.

The story starts off with all the drama embedded into one tense character, and as it progress you begin to see the pieces falling delicately into place. Sandra’s anxiety is at its peak, and her self-doubt is in gear. Viewers can’t help but struggle with her and any mild victory is magnified with brilliant nuances by Cotillard. (RBM)


By Rocio Belinda Mendez


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