
Image: Film still from A Bit Rich

The world’s largest and Australia’s most prestigious short film festival is back! This year 16 finalists films will premiere to thousands of people. With the Tropfest Signature Item being ‘mirror,’ many films cast a mirror on today’s society, the past and examine challenges and journeys in the future.

“This year [audiences] can expect some incredible comedy and amazing drama,” says festival and brand manager Grace McBride. “Tropfest is a different event every year because the films are so different. We really want to celebrate storytelling and great short films.”

From clumsy butlers to runaway brides, pizza-craving creatives to chocoholic dentists, the cast and directors of the films bring great comedic value and present some eye-opening issues. Tropfest was founded by actor John Polson 23 years ago and it has been expanding and growing ever since with an audience across the globe.

“This is your opportunity, anyone can enter,” continues McBride. “We have first-time filmmakers going through to the finals year after year. It really comes down to the storytelling aspect and providing that platform.”  (CT)

Dec 7, Centennial Park, Sydney, Free, 

Written by Ciaran Tobin

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