You’d need Pamela Anderson’s makeup artist to lay it on as thick as The Unborn. Just in case you’ve never heard of the horror genre, every second of this shlock-fest screams, ‘I AM SCARY!’ to remind you. 

The men responsible for Transformers and Batman Begins tap into a pretty awesome premise ‘ that twins are freaky portals to ‘the other side’. What happens if one dies in utero ‘ only to haunt the other (from, inexplicably, her bathroom cabinet)’

Unfortunately there are some serious rotten vegetables to hurl. Firstly, dialogue. Shooting for Juno-esque it misfires with, ‘Bye, hoooooker!’. Secondly, plot. Evil demons or dybbuks wander the Earth, looking for a host. But why pick yawn-a-rama Casey (Odette Yustman), apart from some shady family-links to Auschwitz’ Long bow, anyone’ Thirdly, Gary Oldman. Great, normally. As one-scene saviour Rabbi Sendak, he’s as pathetic as a plastic-fanged Dracula.

The baby-demons all shriek, ‘Jumby wants to be born!’ Can you blame Jumby’ If this movie was a womb I’d want to flee it too. (Angela Bennetts)

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