Image: The "Bumble Bee Bus" at Bondi Beach. Image: supplied

Community radio broadcaster FBi recently celebrated twenty years on air in Sydney, no mean feat given the constant financial struggle that similar stations like Eastside Radio, Koori Radio and 2SER all seem to confront in keeping their microphones live. Whilst many of the station’s younger listeners probably take the service for granted as they tune into 94.5 on DAB, there’s a seldom told story on how FBi obtained its licence in the first place.

When the last three Sydney wide FM licences came up for grabs in 1995 there was a mad scramble involving some sixteen aspirants, all of whom had to undergo a long and drawn out process of test broadcasts. With little funding to begin with these were often makeshift affairs, broadcasting from coffee shops, pubs, night clubs and shopping arcades. Studio equipment was usually cobbled together and the signal was often weak, but there was no shortage of would be presenters willing to get behind the mic and techs to make things happen.

FBi broadcasting live – Sunset Studio Party June 2023

FBi was fortunate in that in had the strong support of the local music community, with a policy of playing at least fifty percent Australian content. This later materialised into substantial seed funding thanks to people like the late Ken West, of Big Day Out fame, who staged a huge fundraiser at the Hordern Pavilion, with lots of well known bands playing for free. Nevertheless in more impoverished times, some of the early test broadcasts deserve  recalling – if only for their novelty and sheer madness.

I was privileged myself to take part in a number of them including one memorable encounter in an old bus at Bondi Beach during an unusually cold day. Jay Katz was my co-presenter and we could not refrain from commenting how miserable the wet and windy near deserted beach and waterfront looked. Suddenly a young lady in a bathing suit, straight out of the surf and dripping wet, burst into the ‘studio’, yelling all kinds of crazy stuff. Katz quickly let listeners know that a mermaid had dropped in for a chat and we hastily moved to a music track. Along with Miss Death, we later went on to present ‘The Naked City’ program when the licence was eventually granted and where the same kind of absurd spontaneity often prevailed.

FBi Studio Alexandria

Peter Robinson (aka ‘uncle Pete) was one of a number of volunteers heavily involved in the various test broadcasts and fondly remembers the ‘bumble bee bus’ at Bondi. Pete was largely responsible for building the broadcast panel inside the bus, wedged in like a cockpit at the front and almost inescapable once you took the seat. The bus apparently was on loan from its owner in Melbourne, driven up for the exclusive use of FBi. During the first night parked at the beach, Pete decided to bed down in the back for the night but was rudely awakened by police in the morning. Accused of squatting illegally on the shores of hallowed Bondi and almost arrested, he was able to make a number of quick phone calls which convinced the local wallopers that access had been officially granted.

When the test broadcast from the beach concluded the Melbourne owner returned to pick up his beloved bus, furious when he discovered the impromptu graffiti style art work and major alterations to the interior. After some minor compensation was paid the historic vehicle headed back down the Hume for what was at least a new paint job on arrival.

There’s a fascinating history to be recalled with FBi and its cultural significance in Sydney with rumours that one of the station’s long time presenters is considering a book. The takeover battle with WILD FM, a financial crisis in 2009, internal battles and a cast of thousands – presenters, producers and countless interviewees – it would make an enthralling read for anybody who values the role of community broadcasters as opposed to the crap of talk back radio and its roster of horrible shock jocks. And if a book or PhD thesis is ever written let’s hope there will be at least a passing accolade for the role that the humble ‘bumble bee bus’ played in securing FBi’s licence.

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