This production by the Clockfire Theatre Co. explores grief, emotions and personal loss from both the perspective of the grieving and the deceased. This may sound morbid but the play is said to be beautiful, magical and creative.

Actor Emily Ayoub says the collaboration between the actors, including herself, Roderic Byrnes, Anna Martin, Gareth Rickards and Kate Worsley and the director, Jo Turner, is particularly significant to the success of their work and the text by Jo Bellamy.

They started the process by using improvisation, it evolved organically to feature script, sound and visual imagery inspired by the French Lecoq style of theatre. Attempting to show the possibilities of space and time after death, it features surrealist images of purgatory and suchlike.

“We grieve because we love. The Grief Parlour takes the audience on a surreal and magical journey as we explore where hope and love can exist within the depths of grief and loss,” says Ayoub.

In no way religious or static in its ideas, The Grief Parlour aims to show that despite the tragedy of death, there is always a way to keep going through the grief of losing a loved one. (LK)

Sep 12-21, Raffertys Theatre, Riverside Parramatta, Church & Market St, Parramatta, $23-27,


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