The Green Comedy Roast

The Green Comedy Roast

This coming Wednesday The Wilderness Society teams up with a selection of Australia’s finest comedians with an added sprinkle of international flair to “take the pith” out of the greenies.

We’ve all heard someone doing this exact thing whether it be in the office at work or on the daily commute but for once the jabs and jibes will be helping to raise funds for the Wilderness Society’s Marine Sanctuaries campaigns. These campaigns aim to both protect animals that live in these areas whilst also ensuring that these areas are there for future generations to enjoy in a sustainable manner, whether that be through reduced fishing or simply ensuring these special areas are kept as natural as possible.

The nights entertainment will have an element to suit everybody’s taste with stand up acts, beat boxing, rap, magic or music basking under the spotlight.

Oct 28, 7pm. The Comedy Store, 122 Lang Rd, Moore Park. $40 ($30 concession). Tickets & Info:

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