Eighty-four-year old Meruge wants to go to school. Not adult school, not college – Meruge wants to go to primary school to learn to read. With the Kenyan government freed from the tyranny of British colonial rule, and now promising free education for all, the indomitable war veteran will stop at nothing – even if it means wearing a school uniform like the other kids – to get his much-deserved share of the learning. This film is many things: a study of the fragile bonds forged between generations; a witness to the cruelty of white rule and the after-effects of a nation sundered; a testament to youthful energy and humour; even, at times, a bordering-on-cheesy telemovie, especially in the scenes where insight is given through hazy, light-saturated flashbacks. But mainly it is about Meruge, his kind and plucky teacher Jane Obinchu, and of course the adorable kids who are wholly loyal to their grey-haired friend. Based on a true story, The First Grader is guaranteed to wring some tears from you. (AB) ***1/2

WIN! Thanks to Rialto distribution we have 10 double passes to giveaway to see The First Grader – email with all your contact details to go in the running!


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