The Duchess, starring Keira Knightley and Ralph Fiennes, is based on the life of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire in the late 18th century. Like most costume dramas, the primary elements of this film are costume, and drama. The elegant period outfits, particularly those worn by Knightley, really are superb and finely detailed ‘ definitely worth the price of a ticket if you’re into that sort of thing. As far as the drama goes, Fiennes spends the majority of the film playing the most delicious kind of bastard whilst Knightley manages to wail and pout under the immeasurable misery of his character’s hypocrisy in a performance well short of inspirational, but with greater adroitness, subtlety, and variety than you might expect. But it doesn’t amount to brilliance. It’s visually colourful, pretty, and also quite slow; ticking all the requisite ‘period drama’ boxes with appropriate restraint. (Michael Farrell)

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