The ABC of Harris Street’s upgrade

The ABC of Harris Street’s upgrade


Plans for the long-awaited upgrade of Harris Street through Ultimo and Pyrmont are now on public exhibition.
The City of Sydney have released a concept design for the upgrade of Pyrmont Village, which covers the area between Pyrmont Bridge Road and the Miller Street intersection opposite Union Square.
Proposed improvements to the streetscape around the Ian Thorpe Aquatic Centre are also on display.
The Council’s draft plans include traffic calming devices, kerb and pavement upgrades, new lighting, new street signals and extended kerbs, integration of proposed cycle facilities, as well as new plants and street furniture.
The City will also be exhibiting a draft Terrace Pattern Book to help local business owners make the most of the retail frontages along Harris Street, while preserving the area’s significant heritage.
The Pyrmont Village upgrade was given priority over seven other individual projects identified in the City’s Harris Street Upgrade Scoping Report, after it was endorsed by Council in March.
The overall Harris Street revitalisation project aims to connect the Pyrmont waterfront to Ultimo and Broadway, where Sydney’s ABC headquarters and the University of Technology are located.
“Managing the competing demands of private traffic, public transport, cyclists and pedestrians, as well as enhancing access to, and visibility of, local businesses present a range of challenges to the designers,” Charles Perry from Pyrmont Progress said.
The proposed designs are on available on Council’s website ( and will be exhibited at the Pyrmont Community Centre, on the corner of John and Mount Streets, as well as Ultimo Community Centre at 40 William Henry Street, until July 8.
The Council will also be holding a community information session on Wednesday June 18, from 4pm to 7pm at Pyrmont Community Centre.
For more information contact project manager, Andrew Wright, on 9265 9333 or


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