Tell the Senate how to fix our trains

Tell the Senate how to fix our trains

You have until 27 February to tell a Senate inquiry what’s needed to fix our rail system.

The inquiry was announced on 4 December last year and is being conducted by a committee with a name even longer than this sentence. It will report on 18 June.

Its terms of reference are:

‘ an audit of the state of public passenger transport in Australia;
‘ current and historical levels of public investment in private vehicle and public passenger transport services and infrastructure;
‘ an assessment of the benefits of public passenger transport, including integration with bicycle and pedestrian initiatives;
‘ measures by which the Commonwealth Government could facilitate improvement in public passenger transport services and infrastructure;
‘ the role of Commonwealth Government legislation, taxation, subsidies, policies and other mechanisms that either discourage or encourage public passenger transport; and
‘ best practice international examples of public passenger transport services and infrastructure.

You can email your submission as an attached document to and get more information at

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