Sydney Water’s controversial plans to clear vegetation at Maroubra Reservoir

Sydney Water’s controversial plans to clear vegetation at Maroubra Reservoir
Image: Imogen Warren, Shutterstock



Ongoing plans from Sydney Water’s plans to clear vegetation at Maroubra Reservoir have sparked outrage from residents. 

Sydney Water had informed residents of its plans to clear trees and shrubbery within five metres of the embankment’s edge.

Since the reservoir is classified as a dam, they said, “Dam safety regulations requires us to clear the embankment around the reservoir from trees, shrubs and other obstructive ground cover.”

“This will allow Sydney Water to effectively assess ground, below ground and structural conditions of our dam and minimise safety and operational risk.”

But the community has expressed grave concerns on the impact of local wildlife.

The trees in the reservoir are home to several species of native birds, including black cockatoos, lorikeets and kookaburras, as well as small reptiles and amphibians. 

A local community group on Facebook also claimed that the plans to remove 80 per cent of mature trees were made without council or community consultation, an Environment Impact Statement (EIS), engineering plans, or ground surveys.

“Any adverse activity, that can have negative effects on the air, land, water, fish, and wildlife or the inhabitants of the ecosystem has to be considered by Law,” the post said.
“Sadly, this is not the case here and that is totally unacceptable. This is a total outrage, detrimental to our health and that of the multiple animals who use and rely on this environmental gem.”
Noise pollution, traffic disruption, and blocks to public amenities were also of concern to residents, and highlighted in Sydney Water’s announcement. 
While the area is controlled by Sydney Water, and is therefore not a council matter, Randwick City Council has responded to the community’s concerns.
Liberal Councillor Daniel Rosenfeld confirmed that “Council has now written to Sydney Water asking they they stop the project until they review their proposal and also seek an alternative that doesn’t involve tree and shrub removal.”

Council’s Response

During Randwick Council’s most recent meeting, Greens Councillor Kym Chapple petitioned on behalf of the Maroubra community, calling on the council to oppose Sydney Water’s current plans and work to minimise environmental impacts.

Cr Chapple said, “the community has deep concerns about the application of a blanket policy of tree removal that is not based on an understanding of the site or proper risk assessment.” 

She also went on to note the need for green spaces, saying “Randwick needs to urgently increase our tree canopy for habitat and neighbourhood cooling, not letting mature trees be removed whether for development or as part of a blanket policy is necessary.”

In the end, Randwick Council resolved not to stand against the tree removal, the decision to clear the embankment falling out of council jurisdiction. 

But the council is liaising with Sydney Water on how to limit the planned removals and encouraging locals to reach out to Sydney Water with their concerns. 

“This is positive and we hope the matter can be resolved through sensible discussion and inspection of the site,” she said. 

A petition has also been created on in an effort to stop Sydney Water’s plans to clear vegetation on the reservoir.

The loss of habitat that will occur from this tree and shrub removal is beyond belief. There is so little green space which is protected from significant human impact. Many birds, reptiles and amphibians will lose their homes,” a comment on the petition read. 

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