Sydney students take AIDS awareness off the backburner

Sydney students take AIDS awareness off the backburner


Despite the Catholic Church’s fixed views on sex and contraception, church charities are among the largest service providers for those living with HIV and AIDS.

Chris Meney of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney told The City News: “We do shy away from promoting [condoms] but no matter who you are, patients of AIDS and HIV are welcomed to turn to religion to find inner peace.

“we will continue to support them in terms of mainly finance and counselling.”

An initiative beginning next month, sees students from MANDUS at Sydney’s University of Notre Dame hosting a variety of fundraising events in an effort to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS.

The university’s medical association secretary Anita Smith said the groups aimed to raise a significant sum of money and would promote community awareness of HIV.

As Notre Dame is one of the smaller universities in the city, Smith acknowledged it will be “difficult to raise as much [money] as some of the larger universities”.

The fundraiser will include an afternoon at the Paddington Bowling Club, and a day of professional speakers.

“Due to the high percentage of homeless people around the Darlinghurst area, it is an issue that the students are driven to address,” Ms Smith said.

As training medical professionals, Smith said it is important to keep in mind that each patient will have different views when it comes to religion.

“We have to respect their ideals in order to establish a better patient/doctor relationship,” she said, “regardless of their religious affiliation, race or sexual orientation.”

While Meney stresses the point of helping all patients whatever their religious affiliation, he said he fully supports the Notre Dame students.

“It is a huge thing what MANDUS is doing, any contribution helps,” he said.

“The Church has spoken before about this issue, and based on the Bible, the Church’s teachings have stressed the value and dignity of every person… It is important for us to provide support for everyone.”

‘ Visitors are welcome to both the bowls day and the presentations. Contact MANDUS on for further information

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