Sydney locals outraged after another horrific greyhound death at Wentworth Park

Sydney locals outraged after another horrific greyhound death at Wentworth Park
Image: Stefan Ott, Shutterstock

WARNING: This article contains material which may be distressing. 




Another horrific death of a greyhound at Wentworth Park has outraged the local community, reigniting calls for the dangerous racetrack to be shut down.

On Friday night, three-year-old greyhound Self Sink fell during race 10, suffering a fractured spine. He was euthanised by the on-site vet.

The distressing footage of the dog writhing in pain, unable to stand, was then removed from the racing video by Greyhound Racing NSW.

Self Sink’s death marks the third since the beginning of this year at Wentworth Park. Across Australia, he is the 51st greyhound to die on a racetrack in 2024.

Animal welfare advocates are calling for the racetrack to be shut down before its lease expires in 2027, while the racing industry continues lobbying for a lease extension.

Petitions to close the track and retain the original planning proposal have gained more than 10,000 signatures.

Self Sink after a severe spine injury on Friday. Image: Supplied.

Local outrage 

The continuous suffering of greyhounds at Wentworth Park, which has seen a startling 167 greyhounds injured this year alone, including 26 serious injuries, has outraged local residents.

Kylie Field, NSW director of the Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds (CPG), said that if Sydneysiders saw the footage of Self Sink’s suffering, greyhound racing in the city would end tomorrow.

“People in the local community who have seen the video of Self Sink writhing with a broken back can’t believe this abuse is happening in their backyard. They’re both distressed and furious and want racing to stop immediately,” she said.

“Greyhound racing no longer meets community expectations and has no place in a modern, cosmopolitan city. Wentworth Park must be returned to the community and racing replaced by parkland and housing.”

Local Glebe resident Tom Keenan, who started his own petition on, said, “I was appalled about recent reports in the media on the NSW government’s plan to keep greyhound racing at Wentworth Park beyond the current license expiry in 2027.”

The move is completely out of touch with the community’s interests, he stated.

“Judging by the empty grandstand at every race meeting, the local community has no interest in greyhound racing.”

He went on to say that Wentworth Park could be transformed in a space that local communities and schools could enjoy.

“It could serve as a hub for outdoor activities, sports events, a green oasis amidst our urban landscape.”

Council opposition 

City of Sydney has long opposed the existence of greyhound racing within their municipality, and have called for Wentworth Park to be returned to the community as green space.

Lord Mayor Clover Moore said, “This parkland should be for the benefit of the community, not an industry that has admitted to killing up to 17,000 healthy dogs each year, has been shown to live-bait, and causes people with a gambling problem real suffering.”

“Reforms introduced by previous NSW Governments have not improved animal welfare.”

Greyhound racing was set to be outlawed from July 1 2017, but then-NSW Premier Mike Baird overturned the decision just three months after it was passed, promising instead to “clean up” the industry.

In February this year, both the Minister for Lands and Property, Steve Kamper, and the Minister for Gaming and Racing, David Harris told Parliament that they were considering supporting the Greyhound Breeders, Owners and Trainers Association’s proposal to extend its lease at Wentworth Park after it expires in 2027.

“I am extremely concerned that the NSW Government is considering reversing a commitment made to the community and to the City,” the Lord Mayor said in March.

In light of the overall push for increased housing, Wentworth Park would provide green space to one of the most densely populated areas in Australia – the Ultimo/Pyrmont area has one of the highest residential densities at 14,000 people per square kilometre.

Kylie Field from CPG agreed with calls to return the space to the community, saying “Greyhound racing no longer meets community expectations and has no place in a modern, cosmopolitan city.”

“Wentworth Park must be returned to the community and racing replaced by parkland and housing.”

“We need to bring back the ban”  

Animal Justice Party upper house member Emma Hurst told City Hub that anyone who cares about animals, and sees the footage of Sink Self’s fall, would be “horrified” to hear that Minister Kamper is considering renewing the lease at Wentworth Park.

“While the Wentworth Park greyhound death toll continues to rise, Minister Steve Kamper has still failed to confirm if the NSW Government will renew the lease, which would allow one of the deadliest tracks to remain in operation in NSW,” she said.

City Hub reached out to Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) for comment, and confirmation that the track at Wentworth Park meets minimum safety requirements, but did not receive a response.

As previously reported by City HubWentworth Park is a notoriously dangerous track. Most greyhounds who fall and get injured do so at the first turn, incurring serious fractures.

Despite efforts to improve safety, namely by trialling a double-arm lure, designed to prevent dogs bunching together, injuries are still regularly occurring.

Ms Hurst said the track should be shut down immediately.

“Keeping the track open is unconscionable and proves that this industry does not care about animal welfare. We need to bring back the ban.”

Member for Balmain Kobi Shetty also expressed her devastation at the continuing cruelty at Wentworth Park.

In a statement provided to City Hub, she said, “I’m heartbroken to hear about another dog dying at Wentworth Park track last Friday. The footage of the incident is horrific and highlights the cruelty of this industry.”

Such cruelty does not align with community values, she continued.

Ms Shetty also reiterated calls for the space to be used by the community and not the gambling industry.

“Open green space is at a premium in inner city suburbs like Ultimo and Glebe, and this publicly owned land should be available for our community to use – rather than being used by the gambling and racing industry,” she said.

“This was a promise made by the former government, and I want to see the Labor government honour that commitment and return this land to community use.”

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One response to “Sydney locals outraged after another horrific greyhound death at Wentworth Park”

  1. It’s appalling that this barbaric “sport” is allowed to continue and these poor animals are killed.

    Should we retitle the track Wentworth Park Coliseum where animals are killed and maimed for the enjoyment of the citizens just like Roman times?

    Surely its time to move on from this cruelty.

    I would like to think that in a redeveloped time in future this area could be a place where loved dogs are off leash to play and frolic. I think the Self Sink Memorial Dog Area would be an idea name. I think no one could be not affected by the awful image in this article.