Survivors untie the knot

Survivors untie the knot
Image: Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA) will hold their third annual “Forget-Me-Knot” day on November 19th.

Adults Surviving Child Abuse (ASCA) will hold their third annual “Forget-Me-Knot” day on November 19th.
This year’s campaign and surrounding events begin on November 12th in Redfern Park, with a ceremonial unwrapping of a blue knot from around a tree.
ASCA spokesperson Dr Cathy Kezelman said the event gives adult survivors a chance “to see the people who are around you and may be there to support you”.
According to Dr Kezelman, the knot symbolises the difficulties faced by adult survivors including feeling “isolated [and a] great sense of shame and self blame”.
The knot unravelling ceremony symbolises both the problems adult survivors face and the help they need from the community. More than 2 million Australians are survivors of child abuse. In the lead up to Forget Me Knot day, ASCA are encouraging everybody to lend support and acknowledge survivors, as “community ignorance makes survivors feel more alone”.
Community members can help in many ways. Donations can be made online and there is a wealth of information on the organisation’s website for community members who want to help end the neglect of child abuse survivors.
Dr Kezelman said ASCA’s 1300 number is a ‘life saving service’ that runs with ‘no recurrent government funding’.
She said that if there are “more people who are raising this issue…[there will be] a combined voice that create change”.
ASCA are encouraging members of the community to contact their local MP and request that they acknowledge the specific needs of the 2 million survivors and the 8 million Australians who are further affected by child abuse.
Dr Kezelman said: “This is an issue that affects all of us. Someone we know has definitely been abused even if they haven’t revealed it.”
To help stop the cycle of child abuse, contact the ASCA on 1300 657 380, event details are on their website

By Ange Downing

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