SMS help for depression

SMS help for depression

Treating depression and anxiety has a new avenue of treatment with the release of a new online service called myCompass. Researchers at the Black Dog Institute in Australia have launched the free self-help program, which tracks moods, sends motivational tips via SMS and offers tailored learning modules in an effort to promote mental health and wellbeing.

Dr Janine Clarke, a researcher at the institute, said one of the key benefits of myCompass is that it uses the same techniques as the ‘gold standard’ of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, such as self-
monitoring, but it also allows the user to report on their moods and triggers in real time. Ms Clarke said: “There is evidence to suggest that online intervention programs are as effective as face-to-face therapy.”

Overcoming some obstacles to treatment many Australians face – such as lack of time, money, knowledge, and the stigma surrounding mental health issues – are included in the online program. According to the Black Dog website, nearly half of all Australians aged 16 and over will suffer from some form of stress, anxiety or depression in their lifetime, with around three million
experiencing some form of mental illness each year. The government-funded and endorsed program is accessible from computers, laptops, phones, iPads and anything with internet connectivity. This enables people to ‘self-monitor’ their moods and note any triggers as they happen, rather than having to carry around a notebook or wait until they return home.

Users are first asked to complete an online questionnaire, which establishes whether they have more depressive or anxious symptoms and suggests the modules best suited to them. “Depending on your unique pattern of symptoms, you’ll get personalised recommendations,” Ms Clarke said. There has been support of new e-health initiatives in the health community now that there is wide recognition of the low proportion of individuals who seek out help for mental illnesses.

By Ruby Prosser-Scully

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