Sex and the City

Sex and the City

The long awaited, much hyped, Sex and the City movie predictably but not disappointingly plays with the familiar themes of the series – romantic interdependence, the joys and pains of ageing, and the power of female friendships – the movie plays much like an extended episode of the TV show. More so for the fact that it runs for well over two hours without one key climax. The film’s plot revolves around Carrie and Big’s impending nuptuals and the final commitment this symbolises; along with the ongoing trials and tribulations of the fearless foursome’s – Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha – relationships. The “Big” question the movie asks is: After being perpetually jerked around by Big why is Carrie still agreeing to spend the rest of her life with him’ In other words: Can love conquer all’ Sarah Jessica Parker’s Carrie says “Yes”. Luckily we are distracted from the shakiness of this answer by chic New York sexual innuendos, lush Mexican scenery, and Carrie’s 181 outfit changes; all of which make for pleasurable and somewhat thoughtful viewing. (Greer Gamble)

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