It’s Anzac Day. But the battles will be of words, rhymes, beats, and black books. The second annual ReUP festival takes place on a day traditionally dedicated to Aussie pride – with the fanfare instead dedicated to our unique brand of homegrown hip hop. “It’s aimed at providing a platform for local, Sydney hip hop artists,” says one of its organisers, Mitchell Allen. “Unfortunately, hip hop has gained an undeserved reputation of insularity that doesn’t reflect the largely collaborative nature of the genre,” he adds, “This festival is designed to … celebrate the wealth of diverse talent Sydney has to offer.” Stalwarts of the scene, Def Wish Cast, will be celebrating their 20th birthday, while the Feeding Time MC battle will introduce some new meat onto the market. In a city plagued by venue restrictions, hip hop was one of the first to feel the pinch. As Allen says, it has an undeserved reputation – not only as being a hard scene to crack, but a scene that comes with some heavy clichés attached – think baseball caps, overt Strayanism, baggy jeans and a crotch-grabbing jocularity. Go to any live gig, whether in the plush surrounds of the Bondi Beach Road Hotel or a plain community hall in western Sydney, and you’ll see something different altogether. Like any scene, it exists because of a genuine love for the music. ReUP is one of the few events dedicated to an all-local line-up (Thundamentals, Dialectrix, That’s Them, Class A & Nikkita and more), as well as covering off most of the four elements of hip hop, with MCing, graffiti (the Black Book Marker Battles) and beatboxing. And if you’re still searching for the Strayan element, you can catch Ozi Batla of The Herd hosting a hip hop infused two-up.

Sunday Apr 25, from 2pm, Sandringham Hotel, 387 King St, Newtown, $18 pre-sale, $30 on the door,


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