Red Tape Gone Mad

Red Tape Gone Mad

Hurray! At last, we have some sense! I refer to your article ‘Dixie Coulton and the Wonderful Dog’ (March 15th 2008).

As a child, I remember cartoons about dogs chasing cats. Probably from when time began this phenomenon has occurred. It is part of dog’s make-up to chase cats ‘ just as it’s imprinted in a cat’s brain to chase mice. It is just so ridiculous that ratepayer’s money is spent on charging owners of dogs because their dog chases cats. One would think this was a cartoon.

What I would like to know is this: what do other ratepayers in the City of Sydney think of their rates being spent on the prosecution of dogs and their owners’ I would also like to know what this ‘waste of time’ costs’ I understand, the City of Sydney Rangers went to incredible lengths to find Felix the dog, find the car, take dog hair samples and send them for DNA analysis. One would be forgiven for thinking that Felix was some sort of terrorist. One should also remember that not one bit of fur of this cat was touched by Felix. When the cat ran, Felix did what the genetic imprinting on his brain dictated ‘ chase! No amount of fines from Rangers will stop nature running its course.

Having dogs and taking them for a walk is certainly not the pleasure it once was with red tape mounting up. I have two small dogs and walk them in Rushcutters Bay Park. Rangers are always coming down to check if the dogs are off their leads, and woe betide you, if your dog is off its lead out comes the book and tickets are issued. A friend of mine was fined over $250 for having two puppies off their leads ‘ wow, really scary stuff.

Lynette MacDonald
Animal Lover
Elizabeth Bay


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