Sydney’s Mardi Gras is around the corner and there’s no better time to question the heterosexist paradigms that surround gendered or queer body as ‘other’.

Curator and femme artist Cleo Gardiner has put together a powerful and eclectic exhibition that reflects upon and deconstructs the temporal, intellectual, erotic, emotional and sexual dissonance within our society.

“The main message is about stepping outside the dominant culture and trying to define ourselves without being told who we are, which is difficult to do as a concept,” she explains.

Eight artists of various backgrounds will feature a myriad of mediums including paintings, screen prints, neon, glass objects, etchings and video installations. One artwork features Gardiner herself as a 50-foot woman in the desert with skywriting that reads: ‘Kiss my fat ass!’

“It’s quite a vulnerable exhibition. Some of the works are quite confronting but it’s political and sexual.”

Opening night was a success and visitors should expect a good balance of academia and humour in the works. “There is something for everyone such as looking at pleasure, pain and desire. People really liked the humour in the show while also looking at serious work that makes you think about bodies, gender and identity.”

Until Feb 3, Verge Gallery, The University of Sydney, City Road, free, 9563 6218, verge-gallery.net



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