Pussy galore! The Cat Video Fest

Pussy galore! The Cat Video Fest
Image: Cat Video Fest. Image: supplied

Just like everything else in life, when the internet was invented, cats immediately claimed ownership of it. Watching cat videos online is such a ubiquitous thing that it has become a meme itself. Those who watch cat videos do so with pride and joy, and those who don’t are lying about not watching them. 

So, what could get a cat-lovers ears pointing straight up more than a compilation of the best cat videos around, all on the big screen. That’s what the director of Cat Video Fest, Will Braden, thought too. Braden has curated a highlight reel from over 15,000 videos, producing a showcase of the most hilarious, cute, endearing, unbelievable feline antics ever caught on film. 

Cat Video Fest. Image: supplied

Now international, the festival began in the US in 2019.  One of its original goals was to raise money for local animal shelters or welfare organisations. The festival has expanded across the world and each cinema hosting a screening is donating a portion of ticket sales to a designated animal charity. 

Apart from nourishing the souls of thousands of viewers, the Cat Video Fest has helped bring awareness and empathy for these gorgeous little creatures. As a result, more cats have been adopted or fostered and many more people are giving their time to help improve safety and care of cats and other animals.  

Cat Video Fest. Image: supplied

The videos in the compilation show cats at their best, cats at their worst, contortion cats, musical cats, cats with other animals, and cats indifferently squandering many of their nine lives. They also include some popular animations, a few brief informative videos, and heartwarming rescue stories. 

A lot of these videos can be found easily online, and people who watch cat videos frequently will have already seen many of these. However, the beauty of Cat Video Fest is the sheer joy of watching the videos along with a crowd of like-minded cat-lovers. It’s an endemic part of cat video culture to share and see how others react. 

Cat Video Fest. Image: supplied

The 75-minute feature is being screened in 129 selected cinemas across Australia and New Zealand from October 17 – 20 only.

The Sydney screening is taking place at Hayden Orpheum, 380 Military Rd, Cremorne. 

October 19, 2:30pm and October 20, 2:30pm



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