Police censor naked bike ride

Police censor naked bike ride

A total of thirteen riders braved the traffic and the sun to ride near-naked in this Year’s World Naked Bike Ride, held to symbolise the vulnerability of cyclists on the roads.

Police enforced a ‘no breasts, no bums and no genitals’ policy, ordering two women to cover their breasts and one man his bottom as the group body-painted in Sydney Park, St Peters, before the ride.

Police explained that families with children might be offended by nudity. They acknowledged that breasts and bums were allowed for the Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras but said that was a ‘registered event.’

The group rode through Newtown and Glebe, escorted by Police and cheered and applauded by most along the way.

Ash Wanders from Katoomba travelled down by train and bike to protest “Indecent exposure to harmful vehicle emissions.”

“I’m an asthmatic,” he said, “and poisonous vehicle emissions have a lot to do with respiratory problems which are the 21st Century disease.” 

Body painters wore slogans such as “One life, one world” (in Spanish and Arabic) and “Be nice to cyclists.”



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