NSW Government appoints Trina Jones as new Rental Commissioner

NSW Government appoints Trina Jones as new Rental Commissioner
Image: NSW Rental Commissioner Trina Jones speaks to the media during a press conference. Image: AAP Image/Bianca De Marchi


The NSW government has appointed its first ever Rental Commissioner in hopes of giving renters across the state a stronger voice in government.

Homelessness NSW’s CEO Trina Jones was appointed and will be working with the government to design and bring forth changes that will see the rental market rebalanced in an effort to make it fairer.

Other reforms Jones will be seeking to get implemented include making it easier for renters to have pets, improving protection of renters’ information and privacy, ending ‘no-grounds’ evictions and implementing a portable bonds scheme that allows renters to transfer bonds from one property to another.

Jones, in her position as NSW Rental Commissioner will also include the responsibility of identifying and investigating other issues that currently exist within the state’s rental market.

NSW Premier Chris Minns says that the appointment of a Rental Commissioner is “an important step to addressing some of the issues facing renters and importantly giving them a voice.”

“Anyone who rents in NSW knows just how anxious and challenging the process can be to find suitable accommodation, not to mention the rent increases and cost of living pressures,” he said.

“I’m looking forward to working with the new commissioner to make our state a fairer place for both renters and owners.”

A Step In The Right Direction

City Hub spoke with the Member for Newtown and Greens NSW Spokesperson for Renters’ Rights and Housing, Jenny Leong who welcomed the appointment of the commissioner.

“Trina Jones has extensive experience working within the homelessness sector and advocating for reforms that would see a massive increase in social and affordable housing to end homelessness in NSW,” she said.

“This gives us optimism that as the new Rental Commissioner she will be able to advocate for renters while also having an understanding of the risks and solutions within the broader housing crisis.”

However, Leong noted that while the appointment of Jones as the NSW Rental Commissioner is a step in the right direction, renters “are in crisis and need relief right now.”

“Which is why the Greens are pushing for a freeze on rent increases for as long as these reforms take to be considered,” she said.

“The Greens Emergency Rent Freeze Bill is before NSW Parliament right now – we could have this in place within the month if the NSW Labor Government backed it in.”

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