At The Basement, of course, we strive to present the best and finest in live, original music. We also, however, recognise the loving compulsion felt by Sydneysiders for nostalgia, musical recapitulation, and the persistent resurrection of the rhythmic past.

In a city where Pink Floyd sound-alikes play the Opera House, it is prudent to acknowledge the power of the tribute act.

In recent weeks we’ve hosted very successful paeans to The Doors, Jimi Hendrix and the Jackson family. The appeal seems to be twofold. Many people like to revisit musical memories from their youth, while others, generally younger, enjoy a spot of melodic archaeology.

Thus, a number of musos enamoured by the majesty of Radiohead will gather at the venue on the night of Thursday, August 4, to entertain youngish and oldish alike. The night, called OK Computer, isn’t a facsimile exercise. Rather, it comprises a series of stylish, clever interpretations of Radiohead songs – making for a great night which will blend the familiar with the surprising.

We have four double passes to OK Computer to give away. To score one, simply ring our box office on 9251 2797 during office hours.

The following night – August 5 – the venue hosts a group called Soulfood A Capella, a 50 member choir which will present extraordinary interpretations of Stevie Wonder songs.

Then, on Friday, August 19, comes a night called Slowhand, which the musically astute among us would twig straight away as a tribute to Eric Clapton. The night finds several Sydney music heavyweights, including Bernie Segedin, Floyd Vincent, Darlo Bortolin, Lloyd G, Garry Fredericks, and Clare O Meara, gathering to recreate Clappo’s best tunes from Cream onwards.

For the curious, the night presents an great opportunity to review Clapton’s development as a guitarist, from his early Blues Invasion bluster through to the elegant compositions of the mature, and mature age, artist.

Once again, we have four double passes to Slowhand to give away.  To score one, simply ring our box office on 9251 2797 during office hours.

For details of all shows at The Basement:

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