Night Marchers – See You In Magic

Night Marchers – See You In Magic

See You In Magic – Night Marchers

by Aidan Roberts

With some members from Rocket From the Crypt and Hot Snakes, this is bound to be a powerhouse excursion. Leaping into its snarling prologue Closed For Inventory, you can tell the sort of mission Night Marchers are on with their first record. Chuggalug guitars and pound-house drums encase front-man “Speedo” with his gangled, hyper-wild Joe Strummer vocals, and the energy is constantly maintained at a distinct pitch, propelling the record along with breakneck pace. But is this a good thing’ Like a lot of the psycho-billy palette, Night Marcher’s songs seem to rely almost solely on the beer-soaked denims-and-punches psychosis to keep the vibe alive. This is okay in one regard – one can imagine a fairly euphoric mosh-pit crush when dancing to their live set, but as a record it lacks a bit of dynamic. Where it could take advantage of the pam-pam highs of I Wanna Deadbeat You and give the listener some exciting contrast with a polar opposite number, instead we’re listening to thirteen power-punk jams, which gets very exhausting. The best punk rock gives you a sense of melodic exhilaration and raw energy, but here we’re only barely given the raw energy.


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