News in brief

News in brief

News in brief

Candle-lit vigil to be held for women’s only services

A candle-lit vigil run by University group Students for Women’s Only Services will be held at Pitt Street Mall in the Sydney CBD at 5.30pm on Thursday July 24. At the rally, organisers will be seeking signatories for a petition they plan to submit to the NSW parliament in August. The petition calls for the restoration of funding to women’s only homelessness services in NSW. Amy Knox, Women’s Officer of the NSW branch of the National Union of Students expressed hope the vigil will draw attention to the issue. She said the rally is “a practical way to alleviate the impact of the reforms and recognise the sadness of these closures”.

Identity theft increasing in Eastern Suburbs

Eastern Suburbs Local Area Command [LAC] Police have delivered a warning to residents in the precinct following rising thefts from letter boxes and heightened activity by identity thieves. Police have warned Eastern Suburbs residents to take precautionary measures against growth in these areas of theft. Unit block letterboxes have been targeted by organised criminals participating in mail theft across the city. A spokesperson from Australia Post said customers should immediately report any mail theft to the police. “Mail that goes missing from a resident’s letter box after it has been delivered is a criminal matter.” The Eastern Suburb’s Community Safety Precinct Committee believes these mail thefts to be opportunistic, with approximately 50-60 fraud cases occurring each month in the Eastern Suburbs precinct.

Black Saturday bushfire victims secure settlement

On Tuesday July 15, Maurice Blackburn lawyers announced a settlement has been secured for the victims of the 2009 Kilmore East – Kinglake Black Saturday bushfires which affected 1242 properties in the area and killed 119 residents. Close to $500 million, the settlement is the largest in Australian legal history. Lead plaintiff Carol Matthews spoke publicly for the first time since the class action began in a press conference held to announce the settlement on Tuesday morning.


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