It came as no surprise when the Macquarie Dictionary opted for “fake news” as its word of the year for 2016. The label has had a media thrashing since it first surfaced during the recent US election campaign and is still a convenient fall back whenever Donald Trump wishes to distance himself from the latest White House stuff up.

There’s little doubt that the current Trump administration will add to a burgeoning vocabulary of questionably coined words and phrases as it blunders from one issue to another. We have already had “alternative facts” and the chronic overuse of “terrible” and “tremendous”  but what awaits us as the madness really starts to heat up?

Let’s jump the gun a bit and suggest a whole bag of Trumpisms that may well become the standard political lingo of the impending apocalypse. Some will have been invented by Trump and his band of maverick cronies – others by the hostile media and the vast majority of Americans who did not vote for him.

Fakir News: Fake news from the Middle East.

An Ivanka:  Something made in China by sweat labour but sold widely in the USA.

Alternative Lie: A new lie introduced to replace the initial lie which has just been blown out of the water.

The Trump House: The inevitable relocation of the White House to Trump’s far more upmarket $100 million dollar apartment in New York’s Trump Tower.

Trumper: A pet rabbit once owned by Barron Trump but euthanised as a security risk by the CIA.

Climate Change: Only ever mentioned when Trump decides to holiday in his Florida Mansion.

The White House Press ‘Corpse’: The body of the CNN journalist found washed up on the banks of the Potomac.

A Trumbull: Any foreign leader whom White House press spokesperson Sean Spicer can be bothered checking on the correct pronunciation.

Trump Change: The change you get from a $100 bill.

Melania: A disease contracted by coming into close contact with an over abundance of spray tan.

Agent Orange: Honorary title bestowed on Trump by the FBI.

Trump Card: The nuclear codes, sometimes referred to as the ‘biscuit’, always kept on the body of the President. Unfortunately greedy guts Trump ate his!

Fifty Shades Of Trump: A wry reference to the entire vocabulary of Trump, arguably the most illiterate US president ever. Also a possible porn movie shot in a Moscow Hotel Room.

Trouser Trumpet: An anatomical device employed to deliver another burst of Trump’s verbal flatulence – also applying to any “arsehole” closely associated with Donald Trump.

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