

Nine-time Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Sia made her directorial debut in this musical drama and stated that her film “will rip your heart out and put it back together again.”

Kate Hudson plays the role of a reformed alcoholic Zu who becomes the sole guardian of her half-sister Music (Maddie Ziegler), a non-verbal woman on the autism spectrum. The film looks at Zu’s hardships as she learns to be her sister’s caregiver and in the process explores other dark issues including death, domestic violence, alcoholism, drugs, and HIV.

The character Music is a beacon of light amongst all the darkness, with Maddie Ziegler delivering a realistic and emotionally charged performance.

Sia wrote 10 songs especially for the film which complement the enchanting musical sequences. Beautiful and inspiring this film about finding your voice and creating family has heart and soul and is a joy to watch. (MMo)

★★★ ½

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