Much more than a spellchecker

Much more than a spellchecker

Pam Walker, the Hub’s resident News and Features Editor for most of the current decade, has finally abandoned her mutant offspring. (meant to run last week, but seems to have been online-glitched)

She has a number of other writing and editing positions to attend to, both within and far beyond the Alternative Media Group, as well as teaching positions in journalism and new media at… how many universities is it now, Pam? Anyway, something had to go, and inevitably but sadly it was the Hub.

An editor can limit their own role to making sure that writers know the difference between ‘they’re’ and ‘their’ (true story), but thankfully Walker was far more capable and motivated than that. On her watch, the Hub has brought you prescient climate change features, the junkie cat of Kings Cross (as mistakenly scorned on Channel Ten), a great array of celebrity guest writers, and more.

Walker pushed writers to push themselves and the result was increased quality of content here at the Hub, even as pages available for news and features diminished thanks to the changing face of print media as ad revenues heading online.

I will miss our arguments about when is a deadline not a deadline and just what constitutes gratuitous, as opposed to valid, swearing and cynicism. Thanks Pam for all your help developing us as writers capable of succeeding or failing by our own two hands. This little paper owes you a massive debt of gratitude for years of going above and beyond. Even though you’re still just 32.

Wish us lcuk….

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