MP Andrew Charlton Calls for Pause on North Parramatta Rezoning Over Heritage Concerns

MP Andrew Charlton Calls for Pause on North Parramatta Rezoning Over Heritage Concerns
Image: Dr Andrew Charlton, Federal Member for Parramatta (left) and Parramatta Female Factory (right)

Parramatta federal Labor MP Andrew Charlton is calling for a pause on the proposed rezoning of North Parramatta, citing concerns that the development could compromise efforts to secure World Heritage status for the Parramatta Female Factory. 

The rezoning plan, which includes 2,500 new homes and significant infrastructure projects, has sparked debate over the potential impact on the area’s historic heritage.

Earlier this month, The Minns Labor Government announced a plan for a 42-hectare site in Parramatta North to “meet the evolving needs of Parramatta”, one of Sydney’s fastest growing central business districts.

North Parramatta Rezoning Plan Aims to Deliver 2500 Homes

The rezoning proposal for North Parramatta aims to deliver 2500 new homes, strategically located along the new Parramatta Light Rail line, and a new university campus with the potential to accommodate up to 25,000 students in support of the Westmead Health and Innovation District (WHID).

Member for Parramatta Donna Davis emphasised the importance of balancing development with heritage protection, stating, “As Parramatta grows, we need to make sure the things that make Parramatta special are maintained. Importantly, this proposal will protect the cultural precinct and earmark 30 significant heritage buildings for conservation, whilst delivering 21 hectares of open space.”

Additionally, the plan promises to increase recreational green space, with approximately half of the precinct designated for open space for the local community to enjoy. The proposal also includes the creation of up to 12,000 high-value jobs by transforming the WHID into a hub for health services, research, education, and supporting industries.

Minister for Lands and Property Steve Kamper said, “The rezoning of Parramatta North is crucial to unlocking the full potential of this precinct delivering jobs, housing, and open space, whilst taking full advantage of the new Parramatta Light Rail.”

However, federal MP Dr Andrew Charlton has expressed concerns that the plan could undermine efforts to secure UNESCO World Heritage status for the Parramatta Female Factory. 

MP Andrew Charlton Warns Rezoning Could Threaten Female Factory’s UNESCO Bid

Dr Charlton expressed concerns that the government was “rezoning right up to its very edge” and warned that it could threaten the site’s cultural significance.

“It’s got the capacity to be a tourist attraction like Port Arthur, to have the cultural significance of The Rocks, and that vision is being lost for a knee-jerk reaction to put housing into Parramatta,” he said, as reported by the Sydney Morning Herald. 

He also pointed out that Parramatta had already “done the heavy lifting on dwelling approvals” and had “approved the most housing of any local government area this financial year to date.” While he acknowledged the state’s funding constraints for heritage preservation, he called for a solution that preserves the heritage core for future generations.

Dr Charlton took to social media to criticise the Minns Government’s decision to rezone North Parramatta, stating, “I’m calling on the Minns Government to pause the rezoning decision and properly consult the community on what this means for Parramatta.”

“This is about preserving the most important heritage assets in our city. We need more than a short consultation in January – 4 weeks is not an adequate consultation period,” Dr Charlton said. 

One person commented, expressing concern that the state’s heritage cultural landscape is being overlooked in favour of taller, smarter redevelopment along Church Street North. 

They pointed out that car showrooms seem more “protected” than historic green spaces and criticised the trimming of Conservation Management Plans that have been in place since 1990. 

“The sequence of reputable Conservation Management Plans, made since 1990, are sadly being trimmed and edited to justify more commercial footprints, and now somewhat arbitrary tower block massings – in unsympathetic compositions – I believe meaningful and careful placement is more critical than height…!”, they wrote. 

MP Andrew Charlton Advocates for Parramatta Heritage Protection

Dr Charlton has been leading the charge to protect Parramatta’s heritage, particularly the Parramatta Female Factory, which he is advocating for to receive World Heritage status. 

He supports two main visions for the future of the site. The Parramatta Female Factory Friends propose establishing a national research centre, creating a living museum, and ensuring the site is accessible for all Australians to explore its historical importance.

Additionally, the National Trust, a leading heritage conservation charity, calls for the preservation of Parramatta’s existing heritage sites, including the Female Factory, in the face of increasing development. Both groups share a commitment to ensuring the site’s history is protected for future generations.

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