Skin tells the true story of Sandra Laing (Sophie Okonedo), a dark-skinned woman born to white Afrikaners during South Africa’s apartheid era who struggles to reconcile with a society that has marginalised her because of her colour. Skin may burst onto screen with an infectious African-flavoured soundtrack and amid a flurry of rich visuals, but director Anthony Fabian never shies away from the severe implications racism has for Sandra’s identity, family and sense of belonging. Patchy accent aside, Okonedo’s portrayal of Sandra is underscored by a quiet sorrow and a refreshing lack of bravado. Meanwhile, Alice Krige simmers as Sandra’s altruistic, yet weary mother, and Sam Neill provides gravitas as Sandra’s fiercely obstinate, dogmatic father. Although it’s hampered by a loss of momentum during its final act and some perfunctory secondary characters, Skin is nether the less an effective underdog film; uplifting without being mawkish; and tensely poignant without being bleak. (JH)

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