Writing a short review on Funny People is like pouring a pint into a thimble. Despite it being long, it’s spliced with myriad premises and frequently changes tack. But here goes: Adam Sandler plays a narcissistic version of himself who falls ill and relies on the now-skinny Seth Rogen for support. This is Judd Apatow and co. in Knocked Up mode, not Anchorman mode, so forget the cartoonised characters and skit-like scenes and get ready for an amusing look at human behaviour. So even with a Comedy Gala’s worth of cameos (Ray Romano, Sarah Silverman and even Eminem), the scarily funny Eric Bana, Apatow’s travelling circus of actors, customary filthy language and the expectation of hilarity, Funny People isn’t constantly funny – but it is constantly excellent. [RK]

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