Florian Habicht is a Kiwi film maker living in New York. When travelling on the subway, he sees an unusual sight, a Russian woman holding a piece of cake. From this chance encounter emerges a unique and unusual love story.

Florian manages to uncover the identity of the woman, Masha, and together they create a tale of romance that is directed by vox pops with the people of New York. The film is funny, poignant and quirky. The style is minimalist but truthful to the city and the movie embraces the diversity and strangeness of the New York character.

The true star however, is Florian. His stork-like figure with hipster clothes and ironic deadpan visage dominates the show. Part documentary and part comedy, the movie blurs the line between reality and fiction.  Love Story is an entertaining foray into humour and the meaning of love. (LR) ***

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