Letters: Don’t blame Greens for bushfires

Letters: Don’t blame Greens for bushfires

Last week, The Australian newspaper was running a ‘poll’ asking viewers to vote on whether they believed that ‘conservation policies that prevent clearing of vegetation are to blame for bushfires” In my postcode, Glebe, 62 per cent of those who voted said yes, they, they did believe it.

What happened’ That gang of ignoranuses given free run by the press barons to spout their so-called opinions had been blaming ‘governments opposing the green beast’ and ‘obstruction from local green authorities’ for allowing forest fuel levels to build up to a point where they contributed to the severity of the bushfires. The very worst example was a headline that blared GREEN IDEAS MUST TAKE BLAME FOR DEATHS. This furphy, which always ends up being levelled at The Greens, just isn’t true.

The Green Party is not against what is called ‘prescribed burning’ They are for effective habitat management which includes the ecologically sensitive use of fire, which means scientifically-based, controlled and careful burning as an important tool in protecting lives and property.

Bush fire management is a complex subject and, as usual, the experts are in disagreement, but they’re all pretty clear on one thing. With the unprecedented heat levels experienced in Victoria, it wasn’t forest fuel levels that were the problem, but the dryness of the forest.

And ‘ this is not generally agreed but should be looked into ‘ forestry activities could be contributing to that dryness by thinning out forest canopies.

There are no easy answers. And the shrill and ignorant bleatings of the Miranda Dewhines and her cronies are unseemly and ill timed when bodies are still being counted and damages assessed.

If they really want to know what the Green Party Bushfire Risk Management Policies are, they need only go to the website.

PS perhaps the word is beginning to get out ‘ at least nationally. By the end of the week, that poll in The Australian was running nationally as 56 per cent saying no ‘ but my suburb continued in its ignorance at 62 per cent. I hang my head in shame.

John Newton, Glebe

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