

Working hand in hand

In your article “Packing up an ‘option’ for Union Square residents’ (October 8), you quote Jean Stuart and refer to her as Co-Convenor of Pyrmont Action. Jean is in fact Co-Convenor of the ‘Save Union Square’ campaign and Pyrmont Action, of which I am Convenor, is working closely with that group to avert the disaster of having the CBD Metro station located in Union Street. We would like to thank City News for continuing to report the issues from the local perspective. There are alternative sites for the station entrance and we will continue to fight for its removal from the Union Square precinct.

Elizabeth Elenius, Pyrmont

Taking out the trash

Recent statements by City of Sydney Council are a repetition of the same pseudo-justification for its plan to impose a garbage truck depot on Rosebery. No, Council, the proposed site is not “well located in an industrial area”. Although the site itself is currently zoned industrial, it is adjacent to people’s homes and adjacent to commercial businesses. Council’s own Depot Strategy says, “Council should not locate depots adjacent to recreational, residential or commercial areas.”

Council is also clutching at straws with its statement that, “State Government has identified this area as a key industrial area to retain employment.” Over the past few years Council has approved every application by developers to convert Rosebery industrial sites into residential flats, including a 118-apartment project opposite the proposed mega-depot site. Apparently, it’s only a key industrial area when it suits Council.

If there was really any justification for Council’s plan they wouldn’t need to continually resort to the same untenable arguments.

Graeme Grace, Rosebery Residents Action Group

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