

Don’t dump that depot on Rosebery
The residents of Rosebery overwhelmingly reject City Council’s controversial proposal to construct a super-sized garbage truck depot in our suburb.
In most City suburbs a single garbage truck may wake up residents one morning a week while emptying bins. Rosebery, on the other hand, would have a great fleet of garbage trucks starting up every morning from 5:30.
Nor do we want streetsweepers rumbling through our streets all night, back and forth between Rosebery and their destinations elsewhere in the City.
City Council knows it is inappropriate to put a huge, 24hour-a-day facility in a predominately residential suburb. That would explain why they planned and bought the site in secret and why they refused to engage in public participatory consultation throughout that process.
Graeme Grace
Rosebery Residents Action Group

City of pillagers
Locals were appalled that Council effectively destroyed the art installation in the park at the corner of Roslyn St and Ward Ave.
People loved the art, which had been installed by the Guerrilla Gardeners. It was perfect for the area. But now we’re back to the old bland yellow walls instead of the vibrant portraits that had been installed.
Council must give an explanation for its actions and reinstall the art installation as soon as possible.
Dr Sacha Blumen
2011 Residents Association Inc.

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