Letter to the editor: spinning webs

Letter to the editor: spinning webs

One wonders what web Andrew Woodhouse is trying to spin (“Clover Moore equals more spin”, CityNews, 7 April 2011). Is he a trap-door spider poisoning all that venture within, or an ice-queen spreading venom for loves that never have been?

Woodhouse is himself the actual bearer of the double-edged Danoclean sword, vilifying the liberal candidate, Adrian Bartels, for promoting pubs and clubs through his business partnership, while at the same time heralding him as the Spiderman who saves Sydney from her alcohol-fuelled violence. Talk about not being able to make up your mind!

Woodhouse, President of the Kings Cross and Potts Point Heritage Society, screams that the Darlinghurst Road injecting centre should be closed because not enough addicts have been redirected into rehabilitation services. Well, at least they’re still alive, unlike his proposal that would force users back onto the streets and into early graves. Woodhouse knows there’s more than one way to solve a problem.

As for Clover Moore, who the Heretic Society President describes as “cow manure”, he may well be reminded that the member for Sydney has single-handedly done more for gay people than an other politician in the history of this country. I don’t know if Woodhouse is gay, but if he is, he might well like to explain where he has been all these years when others were fighting for his rights.

Finally, in one last anti-venom for the Serpent’s tongue, I do not appreciate being bull-dozed by the next available truck because Woodhouse doesn’t happen to like bike lanes. I use them, and again, just like the injecting centre, bike lanes save lives.

Woodhouse may be well advised to use his considerable writing skills for good, and not evil.

Stuart Baanstra,
NAG (nude and gay)

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