Letter to the editor: ‘I’m convinced’

Letter to the editor: ‘I’m convinced’

The latest addition to Bourke Street- the cycleway from Woolloomooloo to Waterloo is fantastic. I have to admit I was against Clover and her cycling obsession form the beginning but now I am convinced it is a great installment to the City. Now that I’ve started riding my bike everywhere you realise how much time and money you waste on parking, traffic jams and petrol. Now we just need drivers to give us cyclists the respect we deserve and understand that the road is ours to share. Clover is right when she says NSW has been in a holding pattern because big policy and leadership has steadily deteriorated. We need to invest in light rail, cycling and walking to make sure Sydney is a sustainable and livable city into the future.

Tom Brennen

Surry Hills resident

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