Letter to the editor: Australia Day

Letter to the editor: Australia Day

Simon Black’s well-written, mature opinion piece about Rory Miles, Rushcutters Bay Park tennis club manager, deserves commendation (“Rory miles – The Morton Bay Fig: Opinion”, City News, January 6).

His partner, Yoon Kim, was also a silent partner. Together, for over 27 years, they knitted a community together based on their love of service, love of community and love of tennis.

Their efforts went well beyond what was required or expected. They created life-long social networks and an outreach programme which formed a social glue, binding underprivileged children from Woolloomooloo, Rory’s own childhood suburb, with the eastern suburb’s upper-crust. Rory provided all their equipment and coaching for free out of his own pocket.

These children became Rory’s and Yoon’s wider ‘tennis family’.

And it created a continuum: many families are third-generation tennis club players. They are also deeply disappointed a planning imbroglio over Clover Moore’s vision for this heritage-listed park and unnecessary loss of the historic 1948 caretaker’s cottage have created such devastating social consequences.

Their loss is our loss.

After all, a city is its people, not a knot of planners looking to fulfil a design aesthete.

And as we approach Australia Day it’s well-worth remembering that Rory and Yoon are the quintessential quiet Australians whose 27-year contribution should have also been a cause for celebration, not degradation.

Dixie Coulton,

Friends of Rushcutters Bay Park

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